Thursday, December 20, 2007

ReSharper 3.1 Released

I am a ReSharper addict.  I admit it.  I have this habit of upgrading my ReSharper every time JetBrains releases a new version.

Speaking of which: ReSharper 3.1 is out and ready for download.

Or you can read the release notes.

But, if you are hoping this will add C# 3.0 doesn't.  That is supposed to be next month, in ReSharper 4.0.  BTW, there is a small note on the web site, if you buy ReSharper 3.0 now, you will get a free upgrade to ReSharper 4.0.

Or, come to BSDG meeting for a chance to win a free copy!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Meeting note: 12/6/2007

This was our Christmas meeting, so Merry Christmas to everyone.  And appropriately, everyone went home with something.

We covered three main topics today, ApexSQL, Reflector and Log4Net.  Log4Net was the real topic, Reflector was talk about because too many people had not seen it.

As promised, I posted a How To on Log4Net up on Elegant Code.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

PDC08: Oct 27-30, 2008

PDC08 has been announced.  Scheduled for Oct 27-30 at Los Angeles, California. 

Of all the conferences that Microsoft puts on, this is the one that usually gets the best reviews.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Mobile Super Computer

For the guy who really needs his super-computer ready to go anywhere: Sun has developed the product for you, Project Blackbox.

Literally.  It is a giant black box, a shipping container to be precise, to take care of all of your mobile data center needs.  Why travel from home without it.  :)