Thursday, August 19, 2004

Delphi Informant

I just got word from Nick Hodges, a member of TeamB and recent columnist in Delphi Informant that his column will no longer be appearing. Not that there was anything wrong with his column, but this month was the last issue.

There is no news about it on Delphi Informant's website so that is the extent of the details. I am curious if their ASP.NET Pro magazine will continue. If so maybe Nick can move his column (on ASP.NET with Delphi) there. Hopefully he didn't violate an NDA in sharing this news before it was made public. We can only hope that this is a mistake.

I certainly hope that Delphi Informant will publish one last compilation CD.

The crazy thing is Michael P. just joked about that today on The Delphi Advocacy Group mailing list. He commented that he wondered how long they could stay profitable. What a tragedy to predict so close to the event.

I certainly hope that Delphi 9 and the improved Borland Developers Network really make some noise as I can already hear the "Delphi is Dead" camp warming up their drums

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