We opened with Steve's presentation on Mono. He was able to get it installed on SUSE 9.1 Desktop from Novell. He originally was going to do a build and install of Mono from source code, but ended up hitting a road block that he was unable to find a solution for. Mono comes as packages for SUSE 9.1, so that seemed like a likely way to go.
Steve's goal was to port a current project in ASP.NET against Oracle to Mono. He found that the source code ported with little effort. The only issue was a call to ExecuteOracleScalar didn't work. Unfortunately he also had some problems with the Oracle client since Oracle no longer supports SUSE 9.1, only Red Hat.
Mono assemblies are compatible with both Linux and Windows running .NET. So you can develop on either platform and deploy to the other without much trouble.
Steve also showed us MonoDevelop, the IDE for Mono development on Linux. It is based on SharpDevelop. The IDE is fairly good, but is lacking in some features from Visual Studio.
Another resource for Mono development is Got Mono.
We covered some various news and talked about the upcoming BorCon and news about the new version of Delphi (Win32, .NET, C#, Refactoring, Unit Testing, TKitchenSink, etc.)
Randy covered Chapter 3 of Design Patterns Explained. This month no-one else read, mostly due to the confusion on book editions.
We had a big box of swag to distribute to those who were in attendance. Soon we should start getting Swag form INETA.
Next month: We are planning to have Rational here talking about the Rational Unified Process. There will also be some coverage of BorCon as well as some reading from the book. See you all there.
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