Thursday, January 27, 2005

How Can You Hate Oracle?

I guess Chris wants to join the I-Hate-Oracle club. What about the "At least it is better then Microsoft SQL Server Club"? When I was at the introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 shindig, when they would introduce a new feature I would wonder to myself "You mean it can't already do that? Oracle has had that for years!" It is annoying that the company and every product they have is named Oracle, but at least that is a more creative name the SQL server. Talk about generic. When ever someone refers to SQL Server I always ask them which one, they are all SQL servers. What is really bad is when they say "My SQL Server". This is worse then calling a Disk Operating System DOS or a Windowing operating system Windows. Actually Microsoft couldn't get a trademark on any of their generic product names without the word Microsoft in front of it.

1 comment:

Chris Brandsma said...

I won’t say that a lot of my answers aren't petty, but...
How about a windows client install smaller than 87 meg.
How about decent Oracle tools that
a. don’t cost an arm and a leg (TOAD)
b. look like a windows tool and not a badly translated Java tool.
--I've actually started writing my own tool to help with this one.
I hate command prompts.
The ability to install Oracle without an Oracle consultant handy.
TNSNames: I'm sure it was a good idea at the time, but...

Now granted, I don’t have complete hate for Oracle either. There really isn't any database that I am truly in love with yet. But since neither Oracle or Microsoft Windows are going away any time soon, I would like the tools to work together a little better.

For a nock on the Microsoft side: I did some performance testing between the Oracle and Microsoft .NET data providers for Oracle. The Oracle drivers are considerably faster.

But, the Microsoft versions come preinstalled with the .NET Framework, while the Oracle versions are 87-150 meg install. That is even if you already have the Oracle client tools installed.

So guess which ones we are using. Microsoft's.