Monday, July 11, 2005

Zig Ziglar on Employee Training

I have always liked Zig Ziglar, and now this is probably one of my favorite quotes of his:

The only thing worse than training good employees and losing them is NOT training your employees and keeping them.

Sure Zig is a trainer, but it is still very true. I've worked places both that lost a number of their employees as soon as they trained them, and others that never bothered to train anyone. The place that was loosing their employees as soon as they trained them just created a compensation plan to make it worth their while to stay. The place that didn't train anyone found their good employees left to find some place that would train them, and they were left with the employees that didn't care to learn anything anyway. Hint: Employees that don't want to learn usually are not the kind of employees you want to have.


Chris Brandsma said...

What, no personal anecdotes?

Or do you fear making Steve mad?

unused said...

It was short for efficiency's sake. Nothing else.