Monday, August 15, 2005

Firefox Continues to Gain on Internet Explorer in July

Computerworld has an article that seems to disagree with the observations I am making about the real world. I am suspect of its accuracy. This company providing the data may have found a creative way of looking at it to buck the trends and get themselves citied as a reference. If they just reported that Firefox was continuing to take market share from Internet Explorer then no-one would bother looking twice at them. Same reason Computerworld may be reporting it.

Here are my web log statistics for all to see. I am using the default analysis provided by 1 & 1. Keep in mind that users who visit are more technically savvy then most since it is a developer related website. Since they know how to upgrade browsers they seem more likely to have done so.

For the month of July, 2005:

(click for regular view)

Rank Browser Hits Percentage
2Internet Explorer1496328.04%
3Google Robot544010.20%
4Netscape (based on Mozilla) 9571.79%
5Safari (Apple) 1820.34%
7IBM Almaden Robot500.09%
9Alexa Robot480.09%
13WAP Mobile80.01%
14Lynx 10.00%
16Scooter Robot10.00%

Basis: 53358 results from 64813 unique visits of which 11455 unknown/could not be evaluated.

When compared to June's values for the top six browsers. . .

2Internet Explorer1594539.44%
3Google Robot418910.36%
4Netscape (based on Mozilla) 9932.46%
5Safari (Apple) 1910.47%

Basis: 40424 results from 52172 unique visits of which 11748 unknown/could not be evaluated.

We see Firefox climbed from 46.40% to 59.02%. A very significant increase in shares, and totally against what others were reporting.

It is also worth noting that Opera is not represented accurately as it defaults to reporting itself as Internet Explorer. So realize Opera is higher then reported and Internet Explorer is lower.

I love I keep getting a visitor using Lynx every month. Is there any interest in seeing which OS my visitors are using?

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Anonymous said...

(What he didn't tell you is that he himself uses FireFox. 90% of the visits to his website are from him and his mom, on whose computer he also installed FireFox as the default browser.)

unused said...

Bill is that you? Or maybe it is Mr. Balmer.

Interesting that you might suggest that my family and I could create even 90% of 31494 UNIQUE visits. Since a unique visitor requires 30 minutes or more between visits then it would require 20 family members to visit the site every half hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all month long.