Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Real Delphi Roadmap

You may remember my projected Delphi Timeline. Well, David I. just unveiled an actual Delphi Roadmap, and it looks like it will make everyone happy. Marco Cantu has some great coverage.

No mention of Aspect Orientated Programming unfortunately. Also not on the time line is LINQ, but Danny Thorpe already talked about supporting LINQ in Delphi, but he didn't say which version (or I missed it). I would suspect LINQ support in Highlander / Delphi 2006, but it may be as late as 2007. Since DeXter is pretty much finished at this point I can't imagine it showing up there, unless it comes as an update.

The impression I got at PDC was that LINQ does not depend on a new features in the CLR, so it would not require .NET 3.0. It is a language feature that happens to be supported by both C# 3.0 and VB.NET.

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