Monday, October 17, 2005

Microsoft Breaks Internet Explorer

I just reinstalled my computer at work trying to fix Internet Explorer. The trouble I was having was that I couldn't run any active content in IE - no ActiveX, no plugins, etc. Since I use FireFox as my default browser that wouldn't seem like that big of a deal, but a lot of features of windows actually use an ActiveX control inside IE (for example System Restore). It all started shortly after applying the latest patches from Microsoft last week, and that is what I thought caused it, but I guess I was looking in the wrong places since I didn't see that there is a known issue about these patches. Not sure how the permissions on my Windows directory got changed but that is what they are blaming it on. The symptoms seem a little different and I didn't use their solution, but I suspect the reinstall fixed it.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because Internet Explorer and the Windows operating system are related, problems in Internet Explorer will most likely lead to problems in Windows. An available option is to repair Internet Explorer.