Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Technical Training and PowerPoint

Nick Hodges was asking for input on if he should use bother with a PowerPoint presentation in his DevCon presentation.

What I have always heard from those who's opinions I value is "Never use PowerPoint for text. Use if for pictures or diagrams, but not text. And by all means don't read it!" If you want to give them a take home then write a paper including the diagrams and pictures.

I would say use PowerPoint for an intro (name, course name, course number, email, etc.) and a wrap-up (with contact information and where to find more resources), but beyond that avoid text on slides. The only exception I can think of is to introduce a topic on a slide.

Hard advice to follow sometimes, but I think it is best when you do.

I think this is a good template:

  • Explain a problem / challenge - ideally present it as a question
    • How Many Of You have ever had to deal with XYZ?
  • Explain a solution (that you are going to show them)
  • Show how it solves the problem (the demo)
  • Explain and show the key code behind the demo
  • Make a small change in the code
  • Show them how it changed the demo
  • Ask the audience a question - be sure you are specific about the answer you want:
    • How they might use this in a different way
    • How they would make the demo do something else
    • How to customize something
    • etc.
  • Take their answers with a "Thank-you" and a "That might work" or "Interesting"
    • Never say anything like "No" or laugh.
  • If you feel ambitious try their suggestions - "Let's try that"
  • If no-one comes up with the answer then show them.
  • Give a round of applause to everyone who offered an answer
  • Ask if there are any questions about what you just covered.
  • When someone asks a question always say "Good question."
  • After you answer it say "Does that answer your question?"
  • After taking questions give a round of applause for everyone who asked questions.
  • Repeat
By starting with the problem as a question you hook everyone to see what the solution is. When you show the example first then they know what the code is going to do. Then when you change it you show them how it is all connected. When you ask a question you force them to internalize what you showed them and think about it. Finally you ask for questions. By asking for questions after each segment you make sure no one gets left behind.

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