Saturday, December 31, 2005

December 2005 - Delphi Launch wrap-up

We had a great turn out for our Delphi 2006 launch event in November 2005.  CompSys supplied pizza and soda for everyone and we met in the large training center at Washington Group International.

Anders Ohlsson from Borland came out to show us the latest version of Delphi 2006.

Anders Ohlsson

Click on this panorama thumbnail for a full size panorama of the room during the presentation.

Anders also gave away two copies of Borland Developer Studio 2006, which includes the 2006 editions of Delphi (Win32 & .NET), C# Builder, and C++ Builder.

Wayne Worthen made a lot of noise when he heard there was a contest since he never wins.  Boy was he  surprised when he found out that he won the Professional edition.

Wayne Worthen won

Since Wayne had never won anything before in his life, Anders upgraded him to the Enterprise edition.  He claims this is the first time he won anything in the 54 years of his life.  Now I guess it is official that he is no longer a looser.

The next winner was Chris Brandsma.

Chris Brandsma won

Chris is the lucky winner of the Architect edition, which comes with all the fancy bells and whistles!

Everyone else went home with a 25% discount coupon.

Cory Isakson, Chris Brandsma and Jason Mauer
Cory Isakson, Chris Brandsma and Jason Mauer

Dave Heron, James Evans and Randy Buchner
Dave Heron, James Evans and Randy Buchner

Mike McLemore, Wayne Worthen and Michael Cline
Mike McLemore, Wayne Worthen and Michael Cline

After the meeting a few of us stuck around to finish the pizza and soda during a rousing game of Robo Rally.

Late night Robo Rally.

Since Anders Ohlsson and Jason Mauer (Microsoft) were in from out of town they didn't mind staying to play. James Evans just wanted to see us play for a few minutes, but soon he was sucked in to playing as well. Rich Hundhausen and Chris Brandsma are Robo Rally vetrans so knew how much fun it would be.

Rich Hundhausen, Anders Ohlsson, James Evans, Jason Mauer and Chris Brandsma play late night Robo Rally.
Rich Hundhausen, Anders Ohlsson, James Evans, Jason Mauer and Chris Brandsma play late night Robo Rally.

Chris plans his move. . .
Chris plans his move. . .

Adners considers his options. . .
Adners considers his options. . .

James shuffles the cards. . .
James shuffles the cards. . .

Anders relaxes after a well played move. . .
Anders relaxes after a well played move. . .

Jason enjoys a drink between rounds. . .
Jason enjoys a drink between rounds. . .

Everyone had an excellent time playing the game. Hopefully this will be a regular feature at our future meetings.

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1 comment:

unused said...

I won RoboRally, but I gave the prizes to Anders and Jason since it didn't make any sense for me to keep the prices I bought. I guess they would have been nice. . . .