Monday, January 09, 2006

O'Reilly MySQL Conference

O'Reilly MySQL Conference - April 24-27, 2006 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California.

For those who don't know, MySQL is one of the top rated databases available and arguably the fastest database around. It is also available under your choice of a free open source license or a commercial license with support.

I know a lot of very large companies that use MySQL, often because they really need the speed. One place uses it to collect real time data from a production line. The company has "standardized" on another database, but it just cannot handle the data fast enough. MySQL acts as a buffer and feeds the data into the "standard" database at a rate it can keep up with.

MySQL is really wide spread on the internet too, where millions of users can be hitting a site simultaniously speed is really important.

Builder AU recently did a comparison (including ROI) between MySQL and some of the other big name databases like Oracle, MS SQL and DB2. They named MySQL their editors choice award.

I could have titled this post "Too many conferences, too little time" Not only does O'Reilly have the ETech conference coming up, but now there is the MySQL users conference! I would love to go learn more about MySQL from the masters they have lined up.

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