Thursday, May 18, 2006

Richard Hundhausen in Dr. Dobb's

Our very own Richard Hundhausen has an interview in the latest issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. They interviewed him on Visual Studio Team System, as he is the foremost expert on that subject. The interview is called VSTS: In the Wild. I was actually flipping through the magazine and saw a picture of a guy wearing sun glasses, a Google T-shirt, shorts and sandals while standing on a rock. I thought to my self he looked a lot like Rich, and then glanced up and the headline and sure enough it was.

Scott Swigart was interviewing him about VSTS and how it is being used in the real world. Besides the cool picture of Rich and the kind works about him, the 4 page article has some good information on VSTS.

Also, this month Dr. Dobb's made some changes. It would appear the combined Dr. Dobb's with Software Development magazine. Now you can apply for a free subscription to Dr. Dobb's and read the articles online. That was always one of my complaints, that I would read a great article in the magazine, and then had to pay to reference it later if I wanted to read it online. There are a number of other changes with this as well.

The cover story is about Ruby on Rails and there is are some articles on Game and Graphic programming. There still seems to be a good amount of source code in the magazine, which is nice. That was something that Software Development Magazine really lacked.

Lets hope Dr. Dobb's continues to be the best software developers magazine around. With a great interview like this with the likes of Richard Hundhausen they are off to a great start!

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