Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Vote for the Borland 2006 US Developer Conference

Voting is open for the Borland 2006 US Developer Conference. You can rate them and vote for your Top 10 Favorites through QC. To save you from needing to search for my sessions I have listed them here:

  1. You Can't Do That In Visual Studio
  2. Coding Competition
  3. Generics in Delphi
  4. Template Development
  5. Mashups - Combining Web Service Api's with Delphi
  6. Content Syndication
  7. Internet Protocols
  8. Advanced Internet Protocols
  9. Exceptional Exceptions
  10. Implementing Cryptography
  11. Understanding Cryptography
  12. Oracle at Delphi
Personally, I would really like to attend the Coding Competition session, which is why I submitted it. I think it will be a lot of fun. It would appear my You Can't Do That In Visual Studio session is doing quite well - it has the most votes from what I have seen. That one will be fun as well!

Be sure to login and vote! Rating them is nice, but it would appear voting carries the most weight. If you don't have an account you can create a new user account first. Voting closes August 21st!

See you at the conference!

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