Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Delphi 2005 Launch Tour in Boise

Anders Ohlsson is coming to Boise as part of the Delphi 2005 US Launch Tour.

He will be here December 7th at 7 PM. This is in addition to our normal December meeting on December 2nd. This visit is jointly sponsored between BSDG and NetDUG.

Anders will be giving away a copy of Delphi 2005 to one lucky attendee, and there will be a discount and T-Shirts available for everyone else. We are getting our Christmas a couple weeks early this year! I expect this to be an incredible demo of a great product. Anders is a great presenter and always a lot of fun.

The meeting location is at our normal Washington Group International location, but we will be meeting in the large training room. It holds 120 people, so bring your friends! If you know any other devlopers get the word out and invite them too!

Delphi 2005 does Delphi for .NET, Delphi for Win32 and C# development. One of the really cool features it includes is Enterprise Core Objects II (ECO II). ECO allows you to build your .NET programs using a model driven approach. It both forward and backwards engineers existing databases and applications. You may recall that Rational said the next version of their product will support OCL (Object Constraint Language). Well, the last version, and this version of ECO both support OCL. This is the future of software development, and you can see it here on December 7th.

There will be updated directions with photos but I wanted you to mark your calendar now.

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