Thursday, December 23, 2004

25% off Delphi 2005

I still have a few 25% off coupons for Delphi 2005. They expire at the end of December in like 9 days! Email me if you are interested and I can give you the code and all the information you need! This an incredible product and a great opportunity to get a deal on it!

Update: I added a contact link on the side so you can send me an email. I suggest including your email address!

Here are the prices if you are interested:

ProductList Discounted
Architect New User$3,000.00 $2,250.00
Architect Upgrade$1,999.00$1,499.00
Enterprise New User$2,500.00$1,875.00
Enterprise Upgrade$1,500.00$1,250.00
Professional New User$999.00$749.25
Professional New User $399.00$299.25
(Not responsible for typos!)

Be sure to get Update 1!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how do we find you e-mail address. I did not see it on your blog pages.