Monday, December 06, 2004

Meeting Location

Our meeting location is in the Washington Group International headquarters location in the Washington Group Plaza (formally known as MK Plaza) at 720 Park Blvd. in Boise, Idaho. Here is a map:

The red star represents about where the fountain is that marks the main entrance on Park Blvd. Myrtle St. turns into Park Blvd when it crosses Broadway Ave.

Here is an aerial photo of the immediate area with some landmarks marked.

The north-south street to the west is Broadway Ave., and to the south-west (over the river) is The BSU stadium. Park Blvd. runs in front of the MK Plaza, while Front St. runs behind it. The yellow circle is around the fountain at the main entrance. Park just east of the fountain, or most anywhere else in that general area where there is space.

Here is a photo of the sign on Park Blvd. indicating the main entrance. It says Washington Group Plaza now, instead of MK.

Here is a photo of the fountain. Although it runs year round, it will be covered with ice during the winter months.

To the left of the fountain above you can see the large glass entrance behind the flags. This is where to enter the building. Someone will meet you at the security desk and escort you to the meeting room.

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