I attended a session on Monad (or MSH - Microsoft Command Shell) mostly since I didn't have anything else going on during one slot. All I can say is WOW! Basically Microsoft has taken all the great UNIX / LINUX shells and scripting langauges and ported them to windows, while making it fully object orientated and extensible.
You can mount and access not only drives, but your registry, a database or just about anything else you can think of. I played with it for a little bit in the lab and found it very intuitive, powerful and easy to use. But be warned, it is really, really powerful, so you can do a lot of damage in a hurry! Be sure to use the -whatif and -confirm parameters.
They just released the Public Beta 2, but you need Windows XP, 2003 or Vista to run it, and it requires .NET 2.0.
Tags: [Programming] [Microsoft] [PDC05]
You can use ORCA to lower LaunchCondition/WindowsBuild to >= 2100 and it will install in W2K with .NET 2.0 beta.
The only thing that appears not to work is the script signing (dll doesn't register during install)
Excellent! Thanks for the tip. I talked to the Monad guys and they said they expected it to work under W2K, but it wasn't supported. In fact their original regression testing was on W2K.
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