Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Orpheus 4.06 for Delphi 2005

This was a while ago, but I thought it was worth mentioning. Chee Wee Chua has updated Orpheus 4.06 to work with Delphi 2005. Orpheus was open sourced when TurboPower closed their doors. This library adds over 120 components to Delphi, covering a wide range of features. At one of my previous jobs we actually purchased a previous version of Orpheus, and now you can get the latest version free. Thanks Chewy!

I think it would be great if Borland started bundling these libraries with Delphi. If they actually put them in the IDE on installation then that would really jack up the number of components they shipped with. Do the TurboPower ones, and then the Jedi library.

That is the one thing about the Delphi community, the incredible selection of great quality open source components. Since Delphi was really doing component development while everyone else was just starting to figure it out they really got a great head start.

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1 comment:

Chris Brandsma said...

Turbo Power has lots of other projects as well.

FlashFiler: a SQL engine
SysTools: misc functions
OnGuard: allows you to make demo builds.
Abbreva: compression (zip, cab, tar, etc) utilities
Essencials: visual controls
Visual Planit: calendar controls
Shell Shock: for cusomising Explorer
LockBox: encryption

All of these are on Source Forge.

Truth is, even I converted a bunch of these to Delphi 2005 without much trouble at all.