Wednesday, October 05, 2005

TV for Geeks and Nerds

"I'm not really a TV host, but I play one on the internet. . . "

Bandwidth must be getting really cheap. With services like PutFile, Google Video, and Our Media, anyone can find free hosting for their video. Now you too can have your own TV show, which a lot of people are now doing, and many are even hosting it themselves.

Robert X. Cringely has launched NerdTV, which is a weekly technology TV show for geeks. It is an hour long interview, or a Charlie Rose for Geeks. Looks promising to see Cringely involved and it is backed and hosted by PBS and licensed under the Creative Commons license.

It kind of reminds me of Systm by Revision3 (At least that is who they are this week). Systm is also a downloadable TV show on technology, but it has more of an underworld feel to it. I am surprised how well it is done. Very high quality and great content. They also have a few other shows they do, all technology related. They also had a really interesting interview with Kevin Mitnick.

I never saw TechTV, but these all look like the kinds of shows you might see on there, if not a little more gritty and less "mainstream." Scary thought. . .

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whitehawk82 said...

Hmm, people making their own tv shows, sounds alot like public access.... it is! Oh and don't forget, before that geek Kevin was on TechTV he did an online show with his friend called "The Broken". It's been floating around the net for a long time.

unused said...

There is a link to TheBroken from Revision3. It is really interesting.

unused said...

Another free video hosting service is, but be warned, they deal in a lot of more racy "18+" content, and their ads are also more suggestive.

unused said...

Just to add to the list of video hosting services:


Seems to offer a nice mix of feature for free.