Tuesday, January 17, 2006

History of BASIC and C

Time for a history lesson class.

You may not be aware of it, but the BASIC language was designed to help lazy developers create Star Trek games. It is true. And C's success is owed to hallucinogenic compounds! Thanks to Billy Hollis who created these great histories for us and setting the history straight. Who's up for writing a history of PASCAL and Delphi? Thanks to Chris for the links!

If you would like to see the interactions of langauges in visual format check out the language history timelines. O'Reilly created an outdated (and slightly inaccurate) color version too.

Enough history for now. Back to work.

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Anonymous said...

The site is so biased to MS and .Net that I would suspect the owner(s) of sniffing a combination of glue, turpentine, and toulene!!! After all, .everyone knows .Net is lame!!!

unused said...

You have a funny definition of BIAS. I thought it did a great job of making fun of both MS and .NET. Did you just want it to make more fun of Java too? And you are correct, they didn't mention how a lot of the features in .NET were stolen from Delphi as well.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the features were stolen from Delphi and from Java. Creative stealing is a time honored tradition.

unused said...

Microsoft started that in 1977 (History of BASIC) ". . . Microsoft, which begins its tradition of copying ideas from other products and then selling a version that requires more memory."