Thursday, March 02, 2006

Let the Mashups begin

Last month we looked at AJAX. Well it looks like AJAX is old news. Now everybody is focusing on Mashups. What is a Mashup? It is a combination of AJAX, RSS, WS-XML, ATOM, etc. into a single application. So technically, since a Mashup can include AJAX then it is still hot and new.

Mashups also figure into the whole Web 2.0 thing you keep hearing reference too. Don't worry, I am not too clear on what it is either. Instead of me trying to explain it I'll let you look to Wikipedia or O'Reilly. Or you can take a look at the top 10 Web 2.0 applications and see what they all have in common.

Anyway, if you want to see a nice index of Mashups you can check out the The Programmable Web. I guess you could say it is a Mashup of Mashups, or maybe it is just a Web 2.0 AJAX application that links to Mashups. I'll let you decide.

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