Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Can software replace a programmer?

Bad news for Visual Basic 6, Java/EJB, JSP, Cold Fusion and .NET developers. Spain-based Care Technologies (site is really slow today) says it has a program that can replace you, or at least 12 to 47 of your fellow programmers. Tom's Hard news covers their press release [PDF] and results of Gartners study.

The system is called OlivaNova Model Execution. The idea is a human designs the system using modeling. That model is then converted to software quicker and with less errors then if a human were writing the code. The idea is that no coding is required and you can go from model to finished application. Is this a true Fifth-generation programming language?

Too many times I have been working on programming projects that as I am developing I add some of my creative input to improve on the original design. Also, I rarely implement things the same way twice (excluding code re-use). I am always improving the process and methods.

Personally I am not too worried about my career. Sure, it may eliminate a lot of business application development needs, but that is hardly the most exciting type of software to be developed anyway.

It might not be a bad idea to brush up on our software modeling skills though.

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