Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Patriotic PC Maker: No Outsource

Personally I think this is really interesting, and for many reasons.

Wired News: Patriotic PC Maker: No Outsource - A small Idaho-based PC maker has turned the public backlash against outsourcing U.S. jobs into an unusual marketing campaign, urging customers to "Buy MPC, Support America."
  1. As a fellow Idaho resident
  2. As an advocate for domestic jobs
  3. As a former employee of MPC (FKA Micron PC)

I really like the last paragraph:

"This didn't start out as a marketing campaign," Adkins said. "There is no question the quality of service that is provided here domestically is a higher-quality level than what is done offshore."

Some things can be outsourced without a significant impact on quality. Support centers are not one of them. An in-house, native language support staff will most always provide better support for users.

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