Thursday, June 03, 2004

Quantum Cryptography Network

Interesting cryptography / security news, "BBN Tech Unveils World's First Quantum Cryptography Network" For those that don't know the security is obtained in a quantum network because the keys are transmitted as single photons of light. If anyone attempts to measure or observe these photons then their actions will change the photons, and their attempts will be detected. (See also the Heisenberg uncertainty principle)

Quantum Cryptography has been the "Holy Grail" of cryptography for some time now. The flip side is quantum computing, which in theory will render all other existing cryptography inadequate because of it the computing power it will unleash. It is good that an alternative to existing cryptography was developed before the Achilles Heel. Feel free to insert your own conspiracy theories here.

The article does point out that their protocols are patented. That will be interesting to see how that pans out in permitting adoption of their protocols as standards. It also notes that they were working with DARPA. Working with government agencies can have ramifications on intellectual property, especially patents, that result for the collaboration.

BBM Technologies (FKA Bolt, Beranek and Newman) originally developed ARPANET and the first router. They are pioneers in networking infrastructure.

See also:

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