Friday, July 02, 2004

7 rules for using laptops in meetings

If you have ever been to a meeting where everyone has a laptop and you wonder if they are even paying any attention then you should look at implementing some of Microsoft's 7 rules for using laptops in meetings

  1. Make sure there's a point.
  2. Designate a laptop.
  3. Be ready to explain why you've brought a laptop./li>
  4. Use some discretion.
  5. Turn down the bells and whistles.
  6. When in doubt, leave them out.
  7. Dissect your meetings.

For the full rules visit the page. I think these could also be used in presentations. I know John Dvorak has complained about people Blogging his key notes. Although having been on the receiving end of someone Blogging a presentation or conference (thanks Rich!) I can't be too critical of the practice.

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